Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pop or Bark? With a side of booty whoopings

Jeez had a few firsts this weekend.  First F-ball party, first taste of a steel city pop, first taste of a FIVE burger.  What wasn't a first was an MSU loss.and a BAMA Win. Par for the course right?  I was the only member of Team Jeffreys that stayed up to cheer on those Dawgs.  Man that one hurt. Who am I kidding they all hurt, but at the same time, we bounce right back. That's the good thing about being a State fan, you just never let it get you down b/c what good does that do?  I find myself rooting for BAMA during their games b/c let's be honest....these people get feisty when they don't win.  State fans piss and moan for a second and then hi-5 and belt out a good "Go to Hell Ole Miss" and then everything is back right in the world.  Bama- not so much.  So....I just like to see people happy, and also passionate about their team.  Don't get me wrong both of these teams are passionate, just in different ways.
Jonah did a fabulous job manning the cooler.

He LOVED all of these "new" toys and new "boys" to play with too.  No worries Jeez, you will be that big and playing flag f-ball soon..........or golf.  Let's go with golf.

And sometimes you cheer so hard you end of up on the floor.  

Had a great time owning the park on Sunday.  He was in heaven.  How can he not be with free range of the world or bark with a sweet Merritt loving you on the side.

Pop or Bark?  #illtakethebarkmom

Sweet Sunday night date

Excuse the no-showered mommy.  I think a no shower is a sign of a good day. No time to get cleaned up while you are having too much fun enjoying life right?  #wemustliveecstatic
P.S. - how much is this one looking like his daddy?  Good thing he's a cutie ;)  Sometimes I just wonder how I got so lucky.

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