Saturday, August 24, 2013

Can't wait another minute....

What can't wait another minute? This blog.  This blog that I have only been talking about for years and not actually writing.  The one where I was going to start documenting mine and Jas' blissful marriage and all of the fun adventures we took together so I would have all of this in one place.  And then there was Ellen.  Yep - Ellen Degeneres that is.  Anyone who knows me knows just how much I love Ellen and would love to be on her show.  Her talk show and The Amazing Race, those are the two I will star in/on one day....Back to Ellen.  Well, first let's fast forward, but wait look back? Ahhhh so much to blog about now b/c I've waited.  Since I hadn't started one while Jas and I were enjoying our lives as Fun Team Jeffreys, party of 2, I was going to start blogging about our journey to have Jeez.  Which would have started with my journey on the path of bathrooom/bladder hell. Or humor I should say.  Either way all of that led me to finally become blessed with carrying a little one.  I know what you are thinking, your bladder problems got you prego?  And in a roundabout, future blog spoiler alert, doppleganger post, you could say that. But, we are firm believers that everything happens for a reason, and truly know that God has had us on the right path from the moment he put us on this Earth, less than 24 hours apart from each other.  From the day we said I do on St. Patricks Day, in NOLA, from the moment our lives were changed forever with the greatest blessing he bestowed on us, the birth of Jonah Presley Jeffreys, August 12, 2012, and everything in between.  I am now making up for lost time. Because time doesn't wait, it absolutely flies by. The next thing you know your phone is wiped completely out and there goes every documented picture, milestone note, video, etc. that you feel like you have ever "documented." Because life is too busy as a parent to be the scrapbooker, up to date journal keeper, photo book get the point, so we just do the best that we can do right? Well it seems that my best is now gone.  Not even in "cloud" land.  So as sad as this first blog entry is, it's the day that changed my world forever and finally got me up and running because well?  It can't wait another minute.  Not anymore.  Not for Jeez' sake or his mommy's.  His mommy that feels like the worst mommy ever.  I am hoping this blog will turn that feeling around after I get on the ball and get some life stories going, because who doesn't love a good blog?  I am not saying mine will be good, I'm just saying it's mine, and to me that is enough to be good.  So now that Jeez has just turned 1, better late than never right?  And exactly.....can't wait another minute.  Or he will be 18 and won't have any of this out there to go back and read.  And that is enough to make mommy cry.  Or cry more I should say.....So here goes nothing, or everything I should say, as I begin....Journaling for Jeez.
And for my first pic....since I need to get in the habit of posting, is our family pic for the big 1st birthday, that happened to get stored on the computer b/f the wipe out.  


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