Saturday, August 24, 2013

Why stop now?

Ok, so who says you can't post more than one blog entry a day?  Since I am the soul provider of this blog, not me! Not the "un"super mom today.  Trying to move myself back in the running of "mom of the year" And after today, I have quite a ways to go.  So, to prove to myself that I have kept something up for Jeez over this past year, here are Jonah's growth stats from his pediatrician, Dr. Roberts, who was his Dr. up until 9 months, and now we are seeing Dr. Gambrell.  Side note on Dr. Roberts, she was my saving grace after having a preemie and going into his 2 week check up as a clueless first time of not only any baby mom, but a preemie mom.  WHO KNEW that there were so many special "nursing, pacifier, let's not burn too many calories, have to wake your sleeping baby (see throw all old school advice out the window) rules with a preemie.  This was prolly' (one of my fav. made up words that has a story behind it, but get used to seeing it) my first slap of reality that A. I really AM a mommy now  B. It's up to ME, as a Mommy, to make the final shot calls, and C. This $hit is for real...excuse my language on the 3rd, but all you mommy's out there know...that is exactly what you were thinking too.  Looking back now, if it wasn't for Dr. Roberts and a select few other "coaches" in my life, I would have never made it through this first year, well......not the way I wanted to anyways.  That statement will lead me to another future post. Not tonight. We have stats to fill:

  • BIRTH:  4 lbs 12 oz - 17 3/4 inches    - Jonah, you were 5 weeks early, so I could write that you were tiny, but that would be stating the obvious
  • 2 weeks:  5 lb 4 oz - 18 1/2 inches
  • 2 months: 10 lb 2 oz - 21 1/2 inches
  • 4 months:  12 lb 13 oz - 24 1/4 inches
  • 6 months:  14 lb 12.5 oz - 25 1/4 inches
  • 7 months:  15 lb 13 oz - 25 3/4 inches - let me state in my own opinion the height measurements are never were squirmy mc squirmerson, so give or take ehhhh let's say an inch ;)
  • 9 months:  18 lb 2 oz - 26 1/2 inches
  • 12 months:  20 lb 8 oz - 28 1/2 inches - which now puts you in the 37% for weight and 7 % (no shocker here) for height.  Side Stat:  You were .01% for both at birth.  Pretty safe to say you are a bad A$$   have done well catching up :)  
So look...just like that. A little mommy juice and a blog entry of true life, I kept up with something, stats later- I can go to bed now and sleep a little more peaceful.  Maybe this blog is going to be a little more therapeutic than I thought.  Did I spell that right? Oh wait, it's my blog so it doesn't matter.  Night.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! awesome! He didn't skip a beat! Caught up and then some like a champ!
